Talking to a friend is just like talking to a therapist… Isn’t it?
Talking to a friend is just like talking to a therapist… Isn’t it?
Having friends with whom we can share our thoughts, feelings, troubles, and excitements with is wonderful. You may think that because you have such good friends, that a therapist is not needed. But a friend and a therapist are two very different things.

Why your friend cannot be your therapist

Friendships require balance. You need to devote as much attention to your friends as they devote to you. With therapy, the focus is only on the things that matter to you.

When you talk to a therapist, your conversations are protected by laws of confidentiality. What you discuss with your therapist, remains within the strict confines of the safe space in which the session takes place. With online therapy, you select the space in which you have the conversation. Rest assured, your therapist will also be in a private space while talking with you.

Therapists are trained to listen to you without judgement – they listen objectively and view your story within the context of your personal situation. Friends, who have no professional degree in psychology and no professional training, are not completely objective. The advice they offer might come from love and an urge to protect you, but this can also be harmful.

Therapists have had the proper training and education to help you through any difficult situation you may be going through – they can offer advice on how to express your emotions, arm you with techniques that will help to ease the specififc issue at hand, and empower you with ways to move forward, working through the problem. A therapist will help you to understand the motives behind your actions and why you feel a certain way. This is crucial for personal growth and to help you tackle similar problems later on in life.

Start your online therapy journey

We have a number of qualified psychologists who can arm you with the tools needed to deal with challenging situations. They are also very good listeners! Select the therapist that is right for you.

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