Become part of a mind-changing endeavour

Help hundreds of people make their way through their mental health journey

Join our community of therapists

We believe that embracing online psychotherapy is the way forward to a happier, healthier mind and body. By partnering with top psychologists and therapists worldwide, who are specialists in their fields, we aim to offer our clients the best online psychotherapy experience possible.

If you are a certified therapist, there are many advantages to be gained by joining us. You will earn an additional income stream and be able to extend your reach and influence through online therapy with clients worldwide. Set your availability and we will endeavour to have those time slots booked for you - we will bring the clients to you, wherever you are, from all over the world.

Our community is steered towards helping people whose mental health and well-being are a focal concern. Help us to make a positive transformation in the area of mental health.

Benefits of joining our team

  • Consistent income
    Consistent income
    Our monthly subscription model ensures a consistent monthly income.
  • Automated payments
    Automated payments
    The hassle of collecting payments is on us. Your earnings will be consistently delivered to you on time.
  • Expand your reach
    Expand your reach
    Reach a large number of people, wherever they are, without the need to relocate. We bring the clients to you.
  • Best clinical practices
    Best clinical practices
    We are HIPAA compliant and take the protection and security of sensitive data seriously, ensuring trust and loyalty for you and your clients. 
  • Flexible scheduling
    Flexible scheduling
    Connect with your clients at your convenience by setting your own availability.
  • Quick start
    Quick start
    You will be matched with clients based on your profile information and areas of expertise and can immediately start increasing your earning potential.

Are you ready to join us?

Be part of a team that is working towards improving mental health awareness and overall well-being
Not a member of our team yet?
Not a member of our team yet?
Are you one of our therapists?
Are you one of our therapists?

Frequently asked questions

  • How do I become an areeka web therapist?
    Therapists from around the world are welcome to join the areeka web professional community. There are no language barriers, so if you are a certified therapist, you are encouraged to apply. Go to Join our team in the menu bar and click on the Join our team button. Fill in your details, upload the relevant documents, and submit your application. You must provide certified documentation, including copies of degrees, certificates and any other relevant qualifications that you have. If further information or documents are required, we will contact you. Once your application has been received, a therapist from our team will phone you for a brief introduction. If you are selected, an on-boarding session will be provided in order to ensure you have a full understanding of the process and your obligations as a member of the areeka web team.
  • What documents are needed for me to apply to areeka web?
    You will need to upload copies of all qualifications and/or certificates that you have as proof of your status as a therapist. These include university degrees, private college certificates, awards for years of service in roles undertaken as a therapist, and any references that you have. You will also need to upload a current photograph of yourself.
  • Do I need to commit to a minimum time requirement as an areeka web therapist?
    There are no minimum weekly working hour requirements once you are part of our team of therapists. You need only commit to the times you have blocked out as being available for consultations. You will select your own days and times that you are available, and we will endeavour to fill those time slots for you. All live video therapy sessions run for 45 minutes. Texting/messaging therapy will require that you respond to each respective client at least once every 24 hours.
  • What is the process if I decide to leave areeka web?
    If you choose to leave the areeka web therapy team, you must provide us with a four-week written notice period. Once your resignation has been accepted, you will be required to inform all your clients regarding your departure, and make all the necessary cancellations. We will then re-match your clients with other therapists from our team.